Meet the trainer
Angel been a trainer for more than 10 years now, and has over 10,000 hours experience. He has a unique training style that combines small sustainable habit changes that build on each other with a big focus on movement quality and mobility work. Angel loves the energy of semi-private sessions and encouraging clients to connect and work together. He also thrives on the personal nature of private training sessions, where he is able to completely tailor each workout and exercise to a client’s needs.
The One percent better approach:
There are plenty of programs out there that promise to completely change your life - IF you can follow a strict exercise regimen and incredibly restrictive meal plan. Most of us have tried programs like this, found they were impossible to stick to, and abandoned them, often with a feeling of failure.
Intense programs that require you to make a ton of big changes at once just don’t work in the long term. They’re not compatible with most of our lives, especially life as a parent. Flexibility is the name of the game when looking to make life changes that are actually doable. Your schedule looks different some days and some weeks, and there will always be things that pop up unexpectedly (we’ve all encountered sick kids, rescheduled games and practices, holidays and all kinds of other normal life disruptions).
Instead of showing you what “perfect” looks like, I want to show you how to make changes in your life that allow you to roll with the punches and flow with the unexpected. Success will look different from person to person, but over time you will learn how to easily adjust when things pop up. No need to feel knocked off your game when something unpredictable happens or abandon all of your progress up to that point with an “I’ll just start again next week” attitude.
We’ll start with small shifts that don’t disrupt your current life. Those small changes become part of your “normal”, and then you’re ready for the next change. Before you know it, those small changes in your habits stack up, and those small 1% differences turn into long-term sustainable parts of your lifestyle.
Certifications and Achievements
CPT from W.I.T.S
Certified Personal Trainers are health/fitness professionals who, using an individualized approach, assess, motivate, educate and train clients regarding their personal health and fitness needs.
The FMS is a tool that trainers use that looks at fundamental movements, motor control within movements, and a competence of basic movement patterns. Its job is to determine movement deficiency and uncover asymmetry.
Behavioral Change Specialist, NASM
Specialization in goal setting, behavior change techniques, cognitive behavior therapy techniques, effective imagery, interpersonal and social influences on behavior change,
CPR/AED Certified
First Aid CPR/AED course trains participants to provide first aid, CPR, and use an automated external defibrillator (AED) in a safe, timely, and effective manner.